Saturday, February 20, 2021

COVID - Phase 2

 I'm told that Hospital Discount Pharmacy has appointments available.

Also, Kacee Blackwell says Could you all help spread the word through our church members about this? My pharmacy network is doing a large covid vaccination clinic next weekend at PPOk (my office at Memorial & Bryant). This is just for people with underlying health conditions AND PK-12 teachers. Here is the signup:

Friday, February 19, 2021

Happy National Caregivers Day

We are happy to recognize caregivers and all that they do today. Happy National Caregivers Day! #CalledToCare

National Caregivers Day is a holiday that recognizes and honors all of the hard work and dedication that caregivers offer all year round. It’s a day that’s held on the third Friday of each February and helps to honor the millions of caregivers who work all over the world. There are so many caregivers working, there’s a good chance that everyone who is reading this knows at least one.